A downloadable engine for Windows

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Released July 2018

Since the start of November last year, Marcelo the Pixel Whisperer, Tom the Bass Bender, and myself, Nathan the humble Code Slave, have been collaborating on our super mega ambitious RPG game. The storyline is quite intricate and personal to us, and so we've been taking incredible care to get all the steps right. But this isn't a description of Liminality...

So without further ado, may I introduce Step Number One: Aether Edit! At it's core, Aether Edit is a tool. You are given a blank canvas, some basic terraforming tools, and a paint brush. At it's best, however, Aether Edit is uninhibited creativity. Create a water world and populate it with sparse islands; build a passage-way through a ravine, with thin stone bridges to guide you across your way; or approach the Great Beyond by erecting a spiraling staircase to the heavens. Or y'know, just build something phallic.

Aether Edit is our foray into the foreign realm the local folk call Game Dev, and we are looking to pitch our tents for a more permanent stay. The game is in it's first iteration, so we are really excited to see our first game ever finally out in the world. Give it a whirl, let us know what you think, and definitely hit us up with any feedback (good or bad) that you may have. Happy creating!

Nathan, Marcelo & Tom.


Desde o início de novembro do ano passado temos colaborado em nosso super mega ambicioso RPG. O enredo é bastante complexo e pessoal para nós, e por isso tomamos um cuidado incrível para dar todos os passos certos. Mas esta não é uma descrição da 'Liminality'...

Apresento o primeiro passo de uma saga criativa: Aether Edit!
No seu núcleo, o Aether Edit é uma ferramenta. Você recebe uma tela em branco, algumas ferramentas básicas de terraformação e um pincel. No melhor dos casos, entretanto, o Aether Edit é uma criatividade desinibida. Crie um mundo de água e povoe-o com ilhas esparsas; construa uma passagem por uma ravina, com pontes de pedra finas para guiá-lo pelo caminho; ou aproxime-se do Grande Além construindo uma escada em espiral para os céus. Ou sabe, apenas construa algo fálico.

Aether Edit é a nossa entrada no reino estrangeiro que as pessoas locais chamam de Game Dev (Desenvolvimento de Jogos), e estamos procurando montar nossas barracas para uma estadia mais permanente. O jogo está em sua primeira iteração, então estamos muito animados para ver nosso primeiro jogo finalmente no mundo. Dê uma rodada, deixe-nos saber o que você pensa e definitivamente nos bater com qualquer feedback (bom ou ruim) que você pode ter. Boas criações!

Nathan, Marcelo e Tom.

Rated 5.0 out of 5 stars
(2 total ratings)
Tags16-bit, Atmospheric, Creative, Fantasy, GameMaker, Level Editor, Open World, Pixel Art, Sandbox


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Click download now to get access to the following files:

Aether Edit 010 - official.zip 10 MB


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pretty good! i really like this, game, i want something like a room system, something like rpg, with multiple maps for different areas, maybe you can create some areas and put them toguether like puzzle pieces, that whould be cool!

i want this game to be good, so dont strain yourself, it dosent have to be perfect, you said the project was ambitious, so be carefull with stuff like scope creep, i really liked this game, and the atmosphere it gives off.

also, please improve the editor, when dealing with different heights, it can be a little annoying, other than that, creating a world feels pretty good! just some improvements and stuff.

i hope this game becomes the masterpiece it deserves to be!


Thanks for your kind words, it really means a lot. We're still working on this actually (even though the first release was 4 years ago!), and have learned a tonne in the process. Scope creep is definitely the enemy here, and we've travelled down more than a few dead-ends chasing cool ideas which never saw the light of day.

We've hit so many walls that we've actually decided to take a step back and build our original game, Liminality, in Unity instead of our custom engine. There's just no end to engine creation, and we want to finally finish a game.

You can read more about Lim if you're curious.
Story: The Story Thus Far
Gameplay: Gameplay of Liminality

We aren't abandoning Aether Edit though, but we'll be looking to learn from Liminality about what a game needs before we come back to engine stuff.

hiya. I like the idea of it. Is there a "How to play" button or similar because I can't figure out how to change textures with the painting tool. Also, whenever I click on the "Settings" button on the start page it just takes me to the map I was on.

Hi Jay, thanks man we really appreciate it. That's a good point, and you're not the first person to get stuck on that. There is a controls option, which explains that RMB lets you expand the brush to access more biomes, but you have to use the arrow keys or WASD to navigate the menu. Pressing LMB was one of the last things I implemented, as a way of letting people just start the game by pressing LMB instead of E or enter. As of yet, mouse movement doesn't affect the menu selection. Thanks for checking us out!

Cara Gostei Muito Serio O Jogo Ficou Legal

Man I Liked It This Game Is Cool

loved it <3