Hi! We are Survansix 👋
We're a budding indie game company that has been working on our passion project called Liminality for 10 years. The curse blessing of making games is you can get started with very little experience and knowledge - so we've spent 10 years learning our craft, from discovering pixels for the first time and writing our very first line of GML, to publishing micro games on itch.io, building a fanbase on Instagram, and submitting not one not two not three but five game grant applications (phew!). We've also created some awesome gameplay trailers, a bunch of vertical slice demos and technical prototypes, and now we're just about ready to learn the most important dev lesson of all: release your stuff.
Over the next few months of 2025 you're going to see a whole lot of cool stuff from us. So throw us a follow (top right) and you won't be disappointed 😉
Our Team
Check out our games below! 👇